Last Wish Hub
Welcome to the MLGWeed1Bruhpro.Com Last Wish hub where we have Last Wish content and even guides of how to do Last Wish Raid . Here at MLGWeed1Bruhpro.com we have cetrtifucation olf Rivensbane so we are the latest and best sourcve for all information on Last Wish raid. Proof ->

Shuro Chi we like shuro chi here in MLGWEEd1BruhPro.com here is a chart of how do do shuro chi encounter.

This guide is given Rivensbane seal of approval

Here at MLGWeed1BruhPro.com we love to do legit riven no cheese or glitches so we have decided to provide our favorite chart as a free resource for those hoping ton undetstand the encounter themselfve.
The top part of image sjhows the placememt of riven eyes you have to shoot it. Tje second image is the different symbols you will see when you have orb.
he third Image is parts of the room with iamge in it through window.
The bottom is the same thing but in different room(theres 2 rooms). This guide will show you how to beat Riven witrhoiut abusing glitches just like youve always wanted.

This guide is given Rivensbane seal of approval

The heart of river has a curse where when you are away from it you get a """CREEPIUNGF DARK NEST""". If this reaches 4 you will DIE. in order to p[revent this yhou must always stay AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLRE to the "Orb Holder". The orb holder will have a countdown and yhoui ABSOLUTELYU ALL MUST STAND RIGHT NEXT TO HIM AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE WHEN THE COUNT HITS 0.
If you dod this roght you will all includiong orb holder be tel,eported into as strange realm called "
If you dod this roght you will all includiong orb holder be tel,eported into as strange realm called "
Conghratulations fort beatinmg L:ast WIsh and enmnhjoy yopur one hundred vouices.